Analyze For Oil In Water
An issue that has arisen over the years is oil getting into water reservoirs, whether large or small. In response, companies have developed products that analyze for oil in water.
Analyze For Oil In Water
Oil as we know it is a hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons are simply a combination of hydrogen and carbon chemicals that result in petroleum. These exact makeup of the hydrogen-carbon mixture results in different types of petroleum.
To analyze for oil in water, you need a monitor that can detect hydrocarbons. Fortunately, there are quite a few on the market. They use different methodologies to make the determination. Some introduce an additive to the water that binds to any oil and the water is then removed by heat to see what remains. Other monitors introduce an additive to the water sample and, much like a pregnancy test, one looks to resulting color changes to determine if oil is present. Infrared and ultraviolet monitors measure wavelengths and energy to make the determination.
Many oil monitors come in complex, expensive models intended for large-scale environmental analysis. Handheld models, however, are becoming popular as technological advancements improve their accuracy and lower acquisition costs.
If you determine you have an oil in water problem, a variety of solutions are available. Obviously, the specific solution is dependent upon the type and scope of problem you are confronting. That being said, filtration systems have proven to be effective on smaller scales. Oil separator systems are universally used for much larger problems. Regardless of the situation, each solution tends to be very pricey since they are tailored to large-scale industrial situations.
There are a number of products on the market to analyze for oil in water. Some are relatively inexpensive. If you find a problem, solutions are much more complex and expensive.
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