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Solar Energy History, What's Next?

Solar energy history began when the suns rays touched the earth for the first time, four billion years ago. In the early 1900s people used the suns energy to heat water and in the early 1950s research began into solar cells for generating electricity.

In the 1970s solar energy history was changed when President Carter began promoting renewable energy. Through the eighties and early nineties research into solar cells brought about increased efficiencies and manufacturing increased. As a result of these changes solar cells became more affordable and the average homeowner had better access to this technology.

In the earliest stages photovoltaic power was not much more that a curiosity because it was so inefficient.

Today the solar energy future looks brighter than ever with manufacturers regularly doubling capacity and continuing to drive prices lower. Solar panels today are about 12% efficient, which is quadruple what it was a few years ago.

Today solar energy is used in two main forms, solar thermal which uses the suns energy to heat water or some other liquid such as glycol and solar electric which uses the suns rays to create electricity by utilizing photovoltaic cells.

Solar electric energy is a very promising technology in the world today. When compared with fossil fuel and other non-renewable energy sources, its advantages are very clear. There are no moving parts to break down, requires very little maintenance and does not cause pollution.

Solar technology has advanced to the point that homeowners can install their own solar energy systems and remain off grid for extended periods and not rely on electricity generated from a central power station. Not many years from now solar energy history will undoubtedly be changed again as new and more efficient technologies are developed.