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Homemade Solar Power - Understanding the Science of Solar Cells

One of the main components of a homemade solar power system is the solar cells. In order for us to harness the power of the sun and convert it into usable electricity, we need to construct a solar array. To use solar power for homes, the solar array is usually installed on the roof to maximize exposure to sun light. How does a solar cell convert sun light to electric current? This article will provide some basic information on the science behind solar cell.

A solar cell is also known as Photovoltaic or PV for short. PV can be considered as a Direct Current (DC) generator where the main source of power is the sun. The key to generate potential electric energy is in its electron. When light photons of sufficient energy strike a solar cell, they knock the electrons free in the silicon crystal structure. The free electrons are forced through an external circuit such as a battery, inverter or direct DC load. After passing the load, the electrons will then return to the solar cell to start the process all over again. The voltage output from a single crystalline solar cell is about 0.5V with an amperage output that is directly proportional to the cell's surface area. In general, you will be able to generate approximately 7ampere of current for a 6 inch square multi-crystalline solar cell.

Typically, a homemade solar power module is made from 30 to 36 cells wired in series. The solar module setup will produce a 12 Volt nominal output or approximately 17 Volt at peak power. Depending on the power requirement of the house, the Photovoltaic can be wired in series or parallel with other solar modules to form a complete solar array.

Want to know how you can build your own Home Solar Panels to reduce your electricity bill for under $300? If you are good with hand tools, start a Do It Yourself (DIY) project to construct a residential solar array to harness free energy from the sun. What you will need is a step by step guide. Get a comprehensive Solar Power For Homes guide review at http://www.diysolarenergy.info/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_J._Maxwell

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